Tanka Natural Buffalo Cranberry Hot Bar (12x1 Oz)

Tanka Natural Buffalo Cranberry Hot Bar (12x1 Oz)

Product Code: 897737001000
  • $46.83

  • 100% Organic
  • Snacks|Jerky
  • Tanka Natural Buffalo Cranberry Hot Bar ( 12x1 OZ)

Product description

Save On Tanka 12X 1 Oz Natural Buffalo Cranberry Hot Bar The 70-Calorie Tanka Bar Delivers A Slow,

Powerful Protein Punch By Mixing Two Primary Ingredients: Low-Fat, High-Energy American Buffalo

Meat And Tasty Cranberries. This Combination Is No Accident.: Gluten Free)

Product details

  • Item Weight: 1.19 pounds
  • Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds