Organic Regular Old Fashioned Rolled Oats make a deliciously wholesome, chewy, hot cereal that provides
lasting energy all morning. This favorite breakfast cereal is a great way to start your day and add fiber to your
diet. Oats have been cultivated for two thousand years in various regions throughout the world. Before being
consumed as a food, oats were used for medicinal purposes, a use for which they are still honored.
The growing of oats in Europe was widespread, and oats constituted an important commercial crop since
they were a dietary staple for the people of many countries including Scotland, Great Britain, Germany
and the Scandinavian countries. In the early 17th century, Scottish settlers brought oats to North America.
Today, the largest commercial producers of oats include the Russian Federation, the United States,
Germany, Poland and Finland. Higher in protein and healthy fats, and lower in carbohydrates than
most other whole grains, they contain more soluble fiber than any other grain.
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